How Much Lunging & Squatting is there?

The exercises are varied and change with each workout. I love incorporating compound (multi-muscle) movements and yes, many of those involve lunging and squatting. The reason is simple: you must use your largest muscle groups to spike your heart rate to actually hit high intensity! This is the fastest, most effective way to boost calorie burn while keeping the workouts short.

If you have an existing injury or issue that may be exacerbated by lunges and squats (like knee or back problems), not to worry. I include several injury management guides for common issues. Inside, I show you modifications, substitutes, and even rehab protocols. I receive messages regularly from women who's back and knee problems improve (and in some cases disappear) after following these protocols.

After you sign in, go to this page to see the injury guides. I've got you covered!

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