Choosing Your Dumbbells

What size dumbbells should you use?

If you're just starting out, I usually recommend 5-10 lbs (2.3-4.5 kg) per dumbbell. That said, the weight you choose will depend on your current fitness level.

Some people start out with no weights at all and work their way up, and others start out heavier. Burn360 is a high-intensity program, and as a general rule, you should use weights that are challenging yet doable for you. You don’t want to use weights so heavy that your form is compromised, or you can’t do the entire workout using that same weight. On the other hand, if the amount of weight you choose is too light, your workout won’t be high-intensity.  

Once you start the workouts, you'll get the idea right away -- promise!

If you're already in shape

If you're already in good shape, you can go heavier, but even then, I recommend starting on the lighter side to see how it goes -- you might be surprised!

If you're out of shape

If you’re new to high-intensity with weights, or it's been a while since you exercised, I recommend going through the first few workouts with light weights or no weights at all. That will give you a better idea of how heavy you should go. As you move through the program and your strength increases, you can gradually increase the weights.

Type of dumbbells

I recommend hex-shaped dumbbells ( here's an example) since this shape is stable and won't roll away when you're doing floor work.

When to up your weights

The amount of weight you use will change over time as you become stronger and fitter. If you feel like things are getting easier, it's time to bump up the weights to keep your body challenged!  As you progress through the program, listen to your body and make adjustments as needed.

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