Exercising with Back Issues

Back problems can be complicated with a huge range of variables to consider.  If your problem is not severe and your doctor has given you the green light to exercise, I've included a Lower Back Pain guide free with your purchase. (If you already have a Burn360 account, you can access the guide here.) It includes:

  • Static stretching for your back
  • Rehab exercise protocols you can follow
  • A list of exercise modifications & substitutes

If you suffer from sciatica, radiating pain or numbness and tingling down your glutes and legs (usually on one side), you should not participate in the program until the sciatica is gone.

If your back problem is chronic in nature but is manageable, I recommend starting slow and easy to see how your back feels as you progress with the program. As you get more comfortable with the workouts, you can gradually increase your intensity and effort levels according to the health of your back.

More good news: Burn360 can actually be helpful in improving back problems. In my experience, people with moderate or chronic back problems have benefited greatly since the program helps them strengthen their low back while increasing the range of motion (flexibility) of their hips. Improving hip mobility can significantly help to alleviate back problems. I also provide a list of rehab exercises and protocols for anyone dealing with existing back issues (all of it comes with the program).

Back problems considered more severe (like herniated discs) can also improve by strengthening the back. Strengthening the back is achieved by performing the functional exercises you'll do in Burn360. These types of exercises strengthen the core muscles that surround your spine, protecting it from excessive motion that can put stress on the discs of your back joints.

Something else to consider is how sedentary you've been since injuring your back. Lack of exercise and movement oftentimes makes your back problems worse -- or even be the source of the problem!  Being sedentary for a long period of time leads to loss of core muscle strength, which makes you more susceptible to back injuries. If this is the case, it would be best to start doing activities that are less intense to get your back in better condition for Burn360.

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