Food Allergies & Intolerances

Eat360, my nutrition program that comes free with your purchase of the 21-Day Metabolic Reset, is low on foods that some people are sensitive or allergic to. I also provide you with several meal plans (not just one), so you have a lot to choose from if you want to mix and match to suit your needs.
  • Gluten: There is almost no gluten in the recipes. If you have Celiac Disease, you may need to make a few (minor) modifications.
  • Dairy: There is very little dairy. You can substitute with dairy alternatives or lactose-free foods (e.g. you can buy lactose-free cottage cheese).
  • Eggs: I use eggs in many of the breakfast recipes, but not all. If you have an egg allergy, you can substitute those meals using the non-egg dishes I provide. It's totally okay to repeat meals.

If you are vegan or vegetarian, please see this page.

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