Exercising with Arthritis

Dealing with arthritis is no fun! That said, lots of women with arthritis are doing Burn360 with success, but ultimately it depends on the extent of your condition.

If it's moderate and you’re able to do fundamental movements like squats, lunges, pressing, and pulling without much discomfort, you should be just fine. I will also guide you on how to modify the workouts to be less strenuous on your joints. I want this to work for you, so I've done my best to make sure you succeed!

If your arthritis is more advanced or seasonal, you may need to ice, rest, and take anti-inflammatories (if needed).
Outside of the above recommendations, there are a few other things worth mentioning:   
  1. Studies show that collagen peptides can help with arthritis, so if you're not already taking a supplement, I recommend starting. It takes time to see a noticeable difference (think 8-12 weeks), so it's important to be consistent. 
  2. Red light therapy also has solid studies when it comes to arthritis. There are many companies now that sell right lights for home use.
  3. If you have arthritis in your knees, knee braces have come a long way. There is a brand called "Stoko" that might be worth looking into. There are other, similar brands as well.
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